Some people say that you don’t truly understand a topic until you have tried to explain it to a child. Well, this week we have been putting that to the test when we have been talking to year 3 children from local schools about Earthquakes.

In a very short time, we covered questions such as:

  • How we measure earthquakes?
  • How we locate earthquakes?
  • What are seismic waves and how do they work?
  • Comparing earthquake magnitudes to pasta

Not to mention numerous questions fielded by the attendees.

Thanks to Liz Burnett and Jame Iliffe from The Bishops and St Newlyn East learning academies respectively for arranging the visit as well as:

  • Metakinetic – for allowing me to demonstrate earthquake location using their platform.
  • Nanometrics – for providing access to a seismicity reporting tool.
  • Will Willis from Avalon Sciences – for suggesting exercises for teaching wave propagation.